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Conservation of River Environment

Newtypes of River Environment

Artificial Rivers

On the overflow bank on the right bank, there is an artificial stream about 250 m long, providing a hydrophilic space. The stream is used as a place for relaxation. Two channels of the artificial stream, 5 m and 2.5 m in width and 100 m in length, are to be used for promoting the fishing industry during the coming October through November.

An upstream section of the artificial river
An upstream section of the artificial river

Artificial Dry Beaches

To create an attractive habitat for aquatic life, artificial dry beaches have been built off Jonan and off Nagashima, using dredged earth and sand produced when the Ibi and the Nagara rivers were improved. The beaches are about 20 ha wide, and serve to extend the living zone of short-necked and other clams. The dry beaches can be used as feeding and resting places for birds and other forms of wildlife.

Off Nagashima (right : Kiso River; left: Nagara River)
Off Nagashima (right : Kiso River; left: Nagara River)

Waterside Plan

Beaches in the river mouth area, lost due to ground subsidence and various other causes, have been created anew using dredged sand and earth from the Ibi and Nagara rivers. These beaches attract birds and fish life, and a rich ecosystem with a variety of wild life is preserved.

Artificial beach (near the point of 4 km along the left bank of the Nagara River)
Artificial beach (near the point of 4 km along the left bank of the Nagara River)

Preservation of reed communities

Reed communities that have declined as a consequence of increased water depth due to barrage operation are protected by raising the bed by bringing in sand and importing rooted soil.

Reed communities on the right bank of the Nagara (near 6.8 km point)
Reed communities on the right bank of the Nagara (near 6.8 km point)