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Lake Biwa Development Integrated Operation & Maintenance Office
About Lake Biwa Management Activities The Effect of the Project
  The Lake Biwa Comprehensive Development Project and The Lake Biwa Development Project
  Flood Control Measures
@ œ Construction of Lake Levees and Roads for Management
@ œ Internal Drainage Facility Construction
@ œ River Engineering
@ œ Dredging of the Seta River
  Water Utilization Measures
@ œ Reconstruction of the Seta River Weir
@ œ Maintaining the Functions of Harbor Facilities and Waterways
@ œ Relocation of Water Intake Facilities Offshore
  Preservation of the Natural Environment
@ œ Preservation and Creation of the Foreshore
@ œ Phragmites Planting
@ œ Water-friendly (Rubble-mound) Revetments
  The investigation of the historical resources and preservation
‘ The Effect of the Project
@ œ The 1994 Drought
@ œ The 1995 Flood
‘The Effect of the Project
The Lake Biwa Development Project has greatly reduced the damage caused by flooding and drought.
The 1994 Drough
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Expanding foreshore around Shin-asahi
Amidst gradually and severely lowering water levels, people searched for shellfish in the exposed shore (near Enshoji Temple)
Relocating the water intake facilities offshore made it possible to ensure water supply and construction of bypass aqueducts allowed to regulate an appropriate discharge downstream even at low water level. It is for this reason, among others, that the downstream areas did not have to suffer through water shortage as may have been the case in the past. Moreover, the rice crop in the Lake Biwa vicinity actually exceeded the yearly average.The drought seemed to have had no direct impact on the lives of the people who live near the lake.
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Fishery harbors were frequented by boats even at low water levels. The quaint Ukimi-do Temple maintains the splendid lake vista

The 1955 Flood
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Inundated hothouses
The weir was opened fully.
Because the lake levees prevented inundation, the internal drainage facilities shortened the inundation periods and the Seta River's discharge capacity was increased, the inundation period downstream and around Lake Biwa was shortened and the damage, minimized.
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The levee prevents inundation from Lake Biwa. The internal drainage facilities helped to shorten the duration of paddy field inundation.
‘Past inundation areas and number of inundation days


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