[Japan Water Agency / JWA] Water resources development of seven river systems.

[Japan Water Agency / JWA] Water resources development of seven river systems.

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The necessity of various technologies

JWA has been engaged in the construction and management of dams and canals over the past 40 years to supply water to water users. So far, JWA has developed 39 dams, approx. 1,000 km-long main canals and supplies water for domestic, irrigation and industrial use in the seven major river systems in Japan. For proper construction and management of dams and canals, specialized technologies in such fields as civil engineering, machinery, electronics, telecommunication, natural environment assessment, and water quality monitoring are required. By utilizing these technologies fully and managing all the technologies comprehensively, water is stored safely at reservoirs and provided to the public. JWA’s major projects involve a large-scale construction and management of dams, canals, and some of them stretch through cities and to prefectures. In this respect, coordination and negotiation with stakeholders are vital. JWA, with its expertise in these fields, is determined to contribute to society through water facility construction and management responding to social changes and requirements.

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